SCHAPPY — 11. Juni 2006, 12:50

Persistence, keep on kvetchin‘!

Recently, I’ve read here about an interesting and stressful way of active phone advertising often used by providers of mobile telephony. Call all existing customer with too few telephone sales or few basic fees and offer them additional features to increase the monthly income for this specific customer. Well, what is theproblem with this way of promotion? Although an employee of the call center of the offering telephone company calls you, it may result in additional unwanted costs for you, too. This is the case, when your unique telephone id is not logged into the provider’s home location register (HLR) but into the visitors location register (VLR) of a roaming partner.

To keep itsimple: if you are not in your home country.

Then, you know, you have to pay additional fees for each incoming telephone call, because the calling person is not able to determine whether you are in your home country or not before the line is established – not yet. Therefore, the advertisement mentioned above produces some costs for you, also if you are not interested in!

Now, here you can read, what happens, if the telephone provider has to work some hours in response to correct an invoice where the incorrect item is about 0.30 EUR 🙂

The telephone company in the given case responds quite good and perhaps this helps to introduce a check whether the person to advertise on is currently logged into the HLR or try it later.

technorati tags:advertising, telephony, commerce

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