SCHAPPY — 18. Dezember 2006, 16:49

It summit, panel discussion…

Female chancellor Dr. Merkel is sitting in front of lecture hall two, one of the smaller lecture halls, it is about 3pm. and a lot of press is flowing in the room. That’s exactely the picture when you get in the room. Prof. Meinel introduces all of the ten elected students willing to discussion common facts of the IT and especially of their individual experiences. Dr. Merkel was very interested in their remarks, and digs often much deeper. Additionally, Prof. Plattner searches the dialogue — it seems to be a good partnership between her and him.

Finally, Mrs. Merkel got an ipod symbolically containing all of the podcasts of the first national IT summit in Potsdam (mentioned otherwhere).
In the end one new buzzword is born: the first IT summit will be named in the press as the „Potsdam initiative“ — a great success for Prof. Plattner, Prof. Dr. Meinel, the HPI and all of those people that made that summit possible.

The results of the further work of the involved working groups will be present on the CeBit 2007 in Hannover. But with the diversity some of those projects may improve the feedback for IT specialists, the acceptance for jobs in the IKT branche and perphaps the rate of female IT specialists will increase rapidly, as it is a fact in other countries, such as India.

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