SCHAPPY — 25. Juni 2009, 20:46

[SOLVED] ChremaSoft / WinDent „Maximal 10 parallele Programme“

Issue: WinDent does no longer start, a warning popup occurs containing the info „Maximal 10 parallele Programme“.


  1. Check whether WinDent is installed on the „server“ system; mount the WinDent directory (often C:\CG\WinDent or C:\WinDent) via a network share, e.g. N:\.
  2. Check on the server system the shortcut to the app, it should be N:\windent.exe
  3. With Windows XP SP2 or newer the upcoming security warning should stop you from executing the file unintended.


You work on your local PC

If you work on your local machine, try to check for a folder named „TMP“ in the root of the volume, where you have installed ChremaSoft. For example „C:\TMP“. If it does not exist, please create an empty folder, which is mandatory during startup.

You want to access a remote ChremaSoft installation as a client in a LAN setup

Add the IP address of the „server“ to the list of intranet sites (Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Security -> Intranet -> Sites…).

  • Add „.exe“ to the list of moderate file extension, e.g. by using gpedit.msc (User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Attachment Manager -> „list for filetypes with modereate risk“)
  • Alternatively check this registry entry:
  • Check the same settings, i.e. network share mapping AND intranet sites setting on your client computer(s).

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